Monday 16 May 2011

Now I feel stupid.... doesn't happen that often, possibly because I never admit to being wrong.

Stupid is the most apt word to describe how I felt listening to David Milibands talk on the Global village and politics in the Middle East. I realised I've still got a lot more to learn. I didn't just feel slightly out of my comfort zone though I also felt by the end of talk inspired, educated and excited.

Hearing first hand from the former Foreign Secretary what caused the middle east meltdown and what China has in store for the world was a great experience.

The talk was part of a festival held by Fallon called Future Proof. Most people might wonder what exactly that has to do with advertising but I think that's one of the reasons Fallon is such a great agency. Knowledge and creativity should be drawn from all over the world not just a tiny subsection of it.

After listening to the talk and seeing where all of Ed Milibands charisma went (David obviously was born with all of it) I remembered all over again who should be the Labour leader (no he wouldn't answer any questions on the subject).

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